Concierge Auctions
Luxury Sporting Estate | Near Vienna, Austria

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Near Vienna, Austria

Bidding Started On:

June 8, 2023 at 4:00 PM EDT

SOLD | $4.144M


The luxury sporting estate of any outdoor enthusiast’s wildest dreams calls from the Austrian Alps. The incredible main house showcases the craftsmanship of a bygone era, meticulously maintained and paired with modern luxury to a stunning effect. The grand entrance and grand reception halls will awe every guest with exquisite details from hand-painted ceiling to the majestic staircase with ornate wood detailing. A fully- fitted commercial kitchen for the reception hall sits at the ready to entertain a crowd. A second country-style kitchen, perfect for daily use, features an antique wood-stove and warm hand-carved wood panelling. Entertain here in the generous eat-in area of the kitchen, or step into the fresh mountain air with three unique terraces for alfresco entertaining. Beyond the main house, guests and VIPs will adore the guest house, stable house, and two immaculate stone hunting lodges overlooking the Alps. Roe deer, alpine chamois, wild boar and so much more call the 126.7 hectares of sporting lands home. Two freshwater fishing lochs and 16 hectares of pasture for cattle complete the estate, while a staggering 12 kilometers of private hiking and mountain bike trails will ensure you enjoy every corner. Property details provided by seller or others; buyer to verify.

Property Features


$100,000 bidder deposit required.

Concierge may also, in its discretion, offer additional incentives to one or more pre-auction bidders, including but not limited to guarantees and purchase terms that differ from the Purchase and Sale Contract.

Buyer's Premium subject to VAT.


1,711.23m2 | Finished

Main House Architectural Features

Grand entrance hall with ornate wood staircase, library with marble fireplace, terrace, and wintergarden; Grand reception space with hand-painted ceiling ornaments, grand terrace overlooking the valley and mountain range, private dining area and bathroom, and commercial kitchen; Country-style kitchen with eat-in space, hand-carved wood panelling, and original wood stove; Three unique terraces for alfresco entertaining; Courtyard with fountain; Spacious cellar with gym and entertainment area; Spa area

Additional Accommodations

Guest house with kitchenette and living area; Two private stone hunting lodges situated at 1000m above sea level with spectacular mountain views; Stable house with ample machine storage, chicken coop, and cattle stables

Outdoor Features

126.7 hectares of sporting lands boasting roe deer, chamois and alpine chamois, wild boar and more; Outdoor recreation including tennis court, football, basketball, and winter ice rink; Greenhouse; Treehouse; Two freshwater fishing lochs; 12 kilometers of hiking and mountain bike trails

Additional Spaces

Wintergarden; Garage with parking for three vehicles; Wine cellar; Security room

Other Amenities

Main house elevator; Wood chip furnace


1 hour to Vienna; 100km to Vienna International


Property details provided by seller or others; buyer to verify.


Nestled in the foothills of the Alps’ iconic Schneeberg Mountain, the charming village of Grünbach am Schneeberg offers a unique and authentic Austrian experience. Stunning natural landscapes await in every direction: rolling hills, lush forests, and crystal-clear streams are a feast for the eyes. Hiking and biking trails draw outdoor enthusiasts throughout the warmer months, while majestic slopes bring skiers and snowboarders back year after year with a delightful variety of runs catering to every skill level. Beyond the snow-capped peaks and world-famous outdoor recreation of the Alps, the villages and towns surrounding are steeped in culture and history, with historic castles, museums and galleries aplenty to enjoy.


Das luxuriöse Sportanwesen, von dem jeder Outdoor-Enthusiast in seinen kühnsten Träumen träumt, liegt in den österreichischen Alpen. Das unglaubliche Haupthaus zeigt die Handwerkskunst einer vergangenen Ära, akribisch gepflegt und mit modernem Luxus gepaart, um einen atemberaubenden Effekt. Der große Eingang und die große Empfangshalle werden jeden Gast mit ihren exquisiten Details beeindrucken, von der handbemalten Decke bis zur majestätischen Treppe mit kunstvollen Holzdetails. In der Empfangshalle steht eine voll ausgestattete Großküche für die Bewirtung einer großen Menschenmenge bereit. Eine zweite Küche im Landhausstil, perfekt für den täglichen Gebrauch, verfügt über einen antiken Holzofen und eine warme, handgeschnitzte Holzvertäfelung. Unterhalten Sie Ihre Gäste im großzügigen Essbereich der Küche oder gehen Sie an die frische Bergluft auf die drei einzigartigen Terrassen, wo Sie Ihre Gäste im Freien unterhalten können. Neben dem Haupthaus werden Gäste und VIPs das Gästehaus, das Stallgebäude und zwei makellose Jagdhäuser aus Stein mit Blick auf die Alpen bewundern. Rehe, Alpengämse, Wildschweine und vieles mehr sind in den 126,7 Hektar großen Jagdrevieren zu Hause. Zwei Süßwasser-Fischteiche und 16 Hektar Weideland für Rinder vervollständigen das Anwesen, während 12 Kilometer private Wander- und Mountainbikewege dafür sorgen, dass Sie jeden Winkel genießen können.

La lujosa finca deportiva de los sueños más salvajes de cualquier entusiasta de las actividades al aire libre llama desde los Alpes austriacos. La increíble casa principal muestra la artesanía de una época pasada, meticulosamente mantenida y combinada con el lujo moderno para lograr un efecto impresionante. La gran entrada y los grandes salones de recepción asombrarán a todos los huéspedes con sus exquisitos detalles, desde el techo pintado a mano hasta la majestuosa escalera con detalles de madera ornamentada. Una cocina comercial totalmente equipada para el salón de recepciones está lista para entretener a una multitud. Una segunda cocina de estilo rústico, perfecta para el uso diario, cuenta con una antigua estufa de leña y cálidos paneles de madera tallados a mano. Aquí se puede comer en la amplia zona de la cocina, o disfrutar del aire fresco de la montaña en las tres terrazas únicas que ofrecen entretenimiento al aire libre. Más allá de la casa principal, los huéspedes y las personalidades adorarán la casa de invitados, el establo y los dos inmaculados pabellones de caza de piedra con vistas a los Alpes. Corzos, rebecos alpinos, jabalíes y muchos otros animales se dan cita en las 126,7 hectáreas de terreno deportivo. Dos lagos de agua dulce para pescar y 16 hectáreas de pastos para el ganado completan la finca, mientras que unos asombrosos 12 kilómetros de rutas privadas de senderismo y bicicleta de montaña le harán disfrutar de cada rincón.

La lussuosa tenuta sportiva che ogni appassionato di outdoor sogna di sognare, arriva dalle Alpi austriache. L'incredibile casa principale mette in mostra l'artigianato di un'epoca passata, mantenuto meticolosamente e abbinato al lusso moderno per un effetto sorprendente. Il grande ingresso e le grandi sale di ricevimento stupiranno ogni ospite con dettagli squisiti, dal soffitto dipinto a mano alla maestosa scala con dettagli in legno ornati. Una cucina commerciale completamente attrezzata per la sala ricevimenti è pronta per intrattenere una folla. Una seconda cucina in stile country, perfetta per l'uso quotidiano, è dotata di un'antica stufa a legna e di un caldo rivestimento in legno intagliato a mano. Qui è possibile intrattenersi nell'ampia zona pranzo della cucina, oppure immergersi nell'aria fresca di montagna con tre terrazze uniche per intrattenersi all'aperto. Oltre alla casa principale, gli ospiti e i VIP adoreranno la casa degli ospiti, la stalla e i due immacolati capanni da caccia in pietra con vista sulle Alpi. I 126,7 ettari di terreni sportivi ospitano caprioli, camosci alpini, cinghiali e molto altro. Due laghetti per la pesca d'acqua dolce e 16 ettari di pascolo per il bestiame completano la tenuta, mentre ben 12 chilometri di sentieri privati per escursioni a piedi e in mountain bike vi permetteranno di godervi ogni angolo.

Le domaine sportif de luxe dont rêvent tous les amateurs d'activités de plein air se trouve dans les Alpes autrichiennes. L'incroyable maison principale présente l'artisanat d'une époque révolue, méticuleusement entretenu et associé au luxe moderne pour un effet stupéfiant. La grande entrée et les grandes salles de réception émerveilleront tous les invités avec des détails exquis, du plafond peint à la main à l'escalier majestueux avec des détails en bois ornés. Une cuisine commerciale entièrement équipée pour la salle de réception est prête à accueillir une foule. Une deuxième cuisine de style campagnard, parfaite pour un usage quotidien, est dotée d'un poêle à bois antique et de chaudes boiseries sculptées à la main. Vous pouvez recevoir dans le généreux coin-repas de la cuisine ou vous rendre à l'air frais de la montagne grâce à trois terrasses uniques pour les réceptions en plein air. Au-delà de la maison principale, les invités et les VIP adoreront la maison d'hôtes, l'écurie et les deux pavillons de chasse en pierre immaculés qui surplombent les Alpes. Les 126,7 hectares de terres de chasse abritent des chevreuils, des chamois alpins, des sangliers et bien d'autres encore. Deux lochs de pêche en eau douce et 16 hectares de pâturages pour le bétail complètent le domaine, tandis que 12 kilomètres de sentiers de randonnée et de VTT privés vous permettront de profiter de chaque recoin.


Fees & Commissions

Buyer's Premium


Buyer shall pay to Concierge a “Buyer's Premium” in addition to the Purchase Price for the Property. The Buyer's Premium is not a real estate commission; it is the fee that Concierge charges to bidders for bringing the Property to auction.

Co-Broker Compensation


Compensation will be paid to any properly registered Broker whose client is the successful Buyer at the Auction and whose client completes the purchase of the Property pursuant to Concierge Auctions' Bidder Terms and Conditions.


Luxury Sporting Estate, Near Vienna, 0000, Austria


Project Manager, Auction Representative

Connor Bollinger

Business Developer, Auction Representative

David McCrimmon

Listing Agent

Michaela Orisich


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