Concierge Auctions
Casa Godi, 77766 Tulum, Sian Ka'an, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico | Luxury Real Estate | Concierge Auctions

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Sian Ka'an, Tulum, Mexico

Bidding Started On:

April 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT

Bidding Closed | Sale Pending


Every which way you look, you'll be treated with lush palms, a clear-blue ocean, and an equally blue sky. Your oceanside villa offers a birds-eye view of the protected ecosystem of the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve. The famous Italian architectural firm De Carlo Gualla designed this eco-friendly villa that charms with a Mexican aesthetic, from the emerald Saltillo tile floors to the thatched roof gazebos to the dark wood interior accents. Sliding glass doors open fully to connect you to the incredible outdoor living space. Winding from the sunny poolside deck to shady spots to enjoy an alfresco meal, meditate to the sounds of the waves, bird watch over the jungle, or enjoy a sunset cocktail in a seaside palapa. Appreciate stunning 360-degree sunrise, sunset, ocean, and lagoon views from your private rooftop outlook. You are spoiled for options at Casa Godi, with one side treated to the expansive Caribbean sea and the other a beautiful lagoon teeming with natural beauty. Property and opportunity details provided by seller or others; buyer to verify.

Property Features


274sm | 3-ac | 5 bedrooms | 4 full bathrooms and 1 half bath | 100m of beachfront

Architectural Features

Mexican thatched roofs and outdoor gazebos; Stucco exterior; Saltillo tile floors; Wooden accents/beamed ceilings; Bi-fold glass doors; Louvered shutters

Primary Sanctuary

Soaring ceilings; Private balcony; Sliding doors; Spa bathroom with Saltillo tile accents, dual vanity, walk-in shower

Chef’s Kitchen

Saltillo tile counters and range hood; Gas range; Eat-in casual dining; Access to deck

Outdoor Features

Access to two waterfronts: the lagoon and the Caribbean Sea; Swimming pool; Multiple decks and outdoor living areas with barbecue area, outdoor dining, rooftop terrace and one of the only mansions in this area with a swimming pool.

Other Spaces & Amenities

Eco-conscious and efficient construction and operation


In the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve; 10 miles to Tulum; 45 minutes from Tulum train station and 1 hour from Tulum airport, 1.5 hours to Playa del Carmen; 2 hours from Cancun and Cancun International Airport; 3 hours to Chichén-Itzá.


Property and opportunity details provided by seller or others; buyer to verify. Concierge may also, in its discretion, offer additional incentives to one or more pre-auction bidders, including but not limited to guarantees and purchase terms that differ from the Purchase and Sale Contract.


Deposit | $100,000 bidder deposit required


Your estate sits in the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Sian Ka'an, Mayan for "where the sky was born," is the largest protected area in the Mexican Caribbean, home to hundreds of flora and fauna species, and an important nesting site for endangered sea turtles. This setting is an ideal spot for nature lovers, with Sian Ka'an and the area around your villa ideal for fly fishing, snorkeling, and birdwatching amongst the pristine beaches, coastal wetlands, and crystal lagoons. Tour the 1,000-year-old Mayan Canal that calls Sian Ka'an home. World-famous cenotes (underground pools) and the UNESCO-protected Tulum Ruins await outside the reserve. Find abundant dining, shopping, and nightlife in Tulum's Hotel Zone, only 4 miles away.


Mire a donde mire, disfrutará de exuberantes palmeras, un océano azul claro y un cielo igual de azul. Su villa junto al océano ofrece una vista de pájaro del ecosistema protegido de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka'an. El famoso estudio de arquitectura italiano De Carlo Gualla diseñó esta villa ecológica de estética mexicana, desde los suelos de baldosas de Saltillo color esmeralda hasta los cenadores con techo de paja y los detalles interiores de madera oscura. Las puertas correderas de cristal se abren completamente para conectar con el increíble espacio exterior. Desde la soleada terraza junto a la piscina hasta rincones sombreados para disfrutar de una comida al aire libre, meditar con el sonido de las olas, observar aves en la selva o disfrutar de un cóctel al atardecer en una palapa junto al mar. Aprecie las impresionantes vistas de 360 grados del amanecer, el atardecer, el océano y la laguna desde su mirador privado en la azotea. En Casa Godi no le faltarán opciones, ya que por un lado podrá contemplar el extenso mar Caribe y por el otro una hermosa laguna repleta de belleza natural.

Quel que soit l'endroit où vous regardez, vous découvrirez des palmiers luxuriants, un océan d'un bleu limpide et un ciel tout aussi bleu. Votre villa au bord de l'océan offre une vue plongeante sur l'écosystème protégé de la réserve de biosphère de Sian Ka'an. Le célèbre cabinet d'architectes italien De Carlo Gualla a conçu cette villa respectueuse de l'environnement qui séduit par son esthétique mexicaine, depuis les sols en carreaux de Saltillo émeraude jusqu'aux belvédères au toit de chaume, en passant par les éléments intérieurs en bois sombre. Les portes coulissantes en verre s'ouvrent entièrement pour vous permettre d'accéder à l'incroyable espace de vie extérieur. On passe de la terrasse ensoleillée de la piscine à des endroits ombragés pour savourer un repas en plein air, méditer au son des vagues, observer les oiseaux dans la jungle ou savourer un cocktail au coucher du soleil dans une palapa en bord de mer. Appréciez la vue à 360 degrés sur le lever et le coucher du soleil, l'océan et le lagon depuis votre toit privé. À la Casa Godi, vous n'aurez que l'embarras du choix, avec d'un côté la vaste mer des Caraïbes et de l'autre un magnifique lagon regorgeant de beautés naturelles.

Da qualsiasi parte la si guardi, si trovano palme lussureggianti, un oceano cristallino e un cielo altrettanto azzurro. La vostra villa sull'oceano offre una vista a volo d'uccello sull'ecosistema protetto della Riserva della Biosfera di Sian Ka'an. Il famoso studio di architettura italiano De Carlo Gualla ha progettato questa villa ecologica che affascina con un'estetica messicana, dai pavimenti in piastrelle Saltillo color smeraldo ai gazebo con tetto di paglia, fino agli accenti interni in legno scuro. Le porte scorrevoli in vetro si aprono completamente per collegarvi all'incredibile spazio di vita esterno. Si passa dal soleggiato ponte a bordo piscina ai punti più ombreggiati per gustare un pasto all'aperto, meditare al suono delle onde, fare birdwatching sulla giungla o sorseggiare un cocktail al tramonto in una palapa in riva al mare. Ammirate la vista a 360 gradi dell'alba, del tramonto, dell'oceano e della laguna dal vostro affaccio privato sul tetto. A Casa Godi non c'è che l'imbarazzo della scelta: da un lato c'è l'ampio mare dei Caraibi e dall'altro una splendida laguna ricca di bellezze naturali.

无论从哪个角度看,您都会看到郁郁葱葱的棕榈树、清澈蔚蓝的大海和同样蔚蓝的天空。在您的海滨别墅中,您可以鸟瞰锡安卡安生物圈保护区(Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve)受保护的生态系统。这座环保别墅由意大利著名建筑公司 De Carlo Gualla 设计,从翡翠色的萨尔提洛瓷砖地板、茅草屋顶凉亭到深色木质室内装饰,无不散发着墨西哥美学的魅力。推拉玻璃门完全打开,将您与令人难以置信的室外生活空间连接起来。从阳光明媚的池畔露台蜿蜒至阴凉处,您可以在此享用露天餐点、聆听海浪声冥想、观赏丛林中的鸟儿,或者在海边的凉亭中享受一杯日落鸡尾酒。在私人屋顶上,您可以欣赏到 360 度的日出、日落、海洋和泻湖美景。在 Casa Godi,您有很多选择,一边是一望无际的加勒比海,另一边是充满自然美景的美丽泻湖。

في كل اتجاه تنظر إليه، ستستمتع بأشجار النخيل الوارفة والمحيط الأزرق الصافي والسماء الزرقاء الصافية. توفر لك فيلتك المطلة على المحيط إطلالة رائعة على النظام البيئي المحمي لمحمية سيان كان للمحيط الحيوي. قامت شركة الهندسة المعمارية الإيطالية الشهيرة دي كارلو غوالا بتصميم هذه الفيلا الصديقة للبيئة التي تتميز بجمالية مكسيكية ساحرة، بدءاً من أرضيات بلاط سالتيلو الزمردية إلى شرفات المراقبة ذات الأسقف المصنوعة من القش إلى اللمسات الخشبية الداكنة في الداخل. تفتح الأبواب الزجاجية المنزلقة بالكامل لتوصلك بمساحة المعيشة الخارجية الرائعة. يمكنك التنقل من السطح المشمس بجانب حوض السباحة إلى الأماكن المظللة للاستمتاع بوجبة في الهواء الطلق أو التأمل على أصوات الأمواج أو مشاهدة الطيور فوق الغابة أو الاستمتاع بكوكتيل عند غروب الشمس في بالابا على شاطئ البحر. استمتع بإطلالات خلابة بزاوية 360 درجة على شروق الشمس وغروبها والمحيط والبحيرة من إطلالاتك الخاصة على السطح. أنت في حيرة من الخيارات في كازا غودي، حيث يطل أحد الجانبين على البحر الكاريبي الواسع، بينما يطل الجانب الآخر على بحيرة جميلة تعج بالجمال الطبيعي.

Fees & Commissions

Buyer's Premium


Buyer shall pay to Concierge a “Buyer's Premium” in addition to the Purchase Price for the Property. The Buyer's Premium is not a real estate commission; it is the fee that Concierge charges to bidders for bringing the Property to auction.

Co-Broker Compensation


Compensation will be paid to any properly registered Broker whose client is the successful Buyer at the Auction and whose client completes the purchase of the Property pursuant to Concierge Auctions' Bidder Terms and Conditions.


Casa Godi, Sian Ka'an, Tulum, ROO 77766, Mexico


Project Manager, Auction Representative

Kate Stevenson

Business Developer, Auction Representative

Alexander Alavekios

Listing Agent

Mike Burgoyne


Concierge Auctions, LLC, (“Concierge Auctions”) is an auctioneer. Concierge Auctions’ principal address is 228 Park Avenue South, Suite 70835, New York, NY 10003, and its phone number is (212) 202-2940. If required, Concierge Auctions (or its representative) is registered, licensed and/or bonded in the U.S. state where the property to be auctioned is located. This property is listed for sale by Mexico Real Estate Solutions, Broker, Carr. Tulum-Playa del Carmen, Plan 3, MZ 29, LT 11, Local 1 Puerto Aventuras, 77733, 984-688-8856, Mike Burgoynr, (“Listing Agent”). Concierge Auctions (in certain jurisdictions) and certain Concierge Auctions subsidiaries, employees, and representatives may possess real estate broker or salesperson licenses in various jurisdictions and may, in some circumstances, perform functions that may be deemed brokerage services, however, neither Concierge Auctions nor its agents, employees, and affiliates are acting as a broker in any capacity for any party in connection with this auction. Bidders must seek brokerage services or advice from their own real estate agents or professional advisers. Our brokerage licenses are held solely for compliance purposes to further our auctioneering services. Concierge Auctions, the Listing Agent, the seller of the property and their respective agents, employees, and affiliates do not represent, warrant, or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information and shall have no liability for errors or omissions under any circumstances in this or any other property listings or advertising, promotional or publicity statements, and materials. This is not meant as a solicitation for listings or an offer to sell real property. Cooperating brokers are encouraged to participate as set forth in Concierge Auctions bidder terms and conditions.

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