Concierge Auctions
Bay Area's 'Western White House' | 401 El Cerrito Avenue | Hillsborough, CA | Luxury Real Estate | Concierge Auctions

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Hillsborough, Silicon Valley, CA

Bidding Started On:

June 13, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT

Available for Offers


This opulent mansion stands as a veritable icon in Lower South Hillsborough, meticulously crafted as an exact replica of the White House by the esteemed architect Julia Morgan. Spanning over 24,000 square feet across four levels, it has been meticulously rejuvenated with the finest fixtures and state-of-the-art appliances. With its Neoclassical Georgian architecture, the home greets you with majestic columns and an impeccably laid driveway, the facade exuding grandeur. Inside, an abundance of windows and soaring ceilings invite the warmth of California's sun, bathing each room in natural light. Timeless accents such as intricate crown molding, resplendent wood floors, and dazzling chandeliers seamlessly marry with contemporary elements and sleek lines, epitomizing sophistication. Ascend to the primary bedroom, where a regal fireplace, a tranquil sitting area, and an opulent ensuite bathroom await, adorned with dual sinks, a sumptuous soaking tub, and a separate shower. A sanctuary for productivity, the home office—furthering its homage to the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue White House—is an exact replica of the famed Oval Office, boasting two-toned wood paneling and an imposing desk. Nestled upon nearly three acres of verdant grounds, the Bay Area’s ‘Western White House’ is a testament to refined living and illustrious entertaining. Property and opportunity details provided by seller or others; buyer to verify.

Property Features


24,350± sqft | 11 bedrooms, 9 full baths, 5 half baths | 2.9± acres


Architectural Features

Exact replica of the Washington D.C. White House residence, designed by famed architect Julia Morgan; 4 levels of living space; high ceilings; stone surfaces; crown molding; crystal chandeliers; gated security entrance

Interior Features

Abundant sunlight; formal entry parlor and dining room; gourmet kitchen with butler’s pantry and top-of-the-line appliances; spacious living room; primary bedroom suite with 2 bathrooms and 2 dressing rooms; fireplaces throughout living spaces and primary bedroom; gorgeous wood paneled exact replica of the Oval Office; eleven total bedrooms; elevator to all levels

Outdoor Features

Lush grounds with rose garden and mature trees; large swimming pool with spa; Pool pavilion with changing area, full bath, cedar-lined sauna and outdoor kitchen; firepit; extensive solar panels; rooftop sun deck; 8-car detached collector’s garage; private lake

Additional Spaces

Exact replicas of White House West and East wing rooms; Lower-level staff quarters include fitness room, lounge and wine cellar, living room, and laundry center; recreation room; home cinema theater; bank safe and lower-level panic room safe


20 minutes to San Francisco International Airport; 45 minutes from Downtown San Francisco; 40 minutes from Palo Alto


Auction: Property details provided by seller or others; buyer to verify. Concierge may also, in its discretion, offer additional incentives to one or more pre-auction bidders, including but not limited to guarantees and purchase terms that differ from the Purchase and Sale Contract


Deposit: $100,000 bidder deposit required


Hillsborough features sprawling estates, high-ranking schools, a private golf course, and a warm, involved community. The annual Memorial Day Parade and Carnival and Concours d’Elegance car show are always highly attended. Located just north of Silicon Valley, the area is known for distinguished and affluent living. The beautiful enclave is known for lush greenery and privacy, close enough to the excitement of San Francisco while still maintaining an idyllic and peaceful ambiance. Nearby Burlingame offers boutiques and eateries, from casual to upscale. All the arts, culture, and entertainment San Francisco has to offer is just a short drive away from Hillsborough.


Esta opulenta mansión se erige como un verdadero icono en Lower South Hillsborough, meticulosamente diseñada como homenaje a la Casa Blanca por la estimada arquitecta Julia Morgan. Con más de 24.000 pies cuadrados en cuatro niveles, ha sido meticulosamente rejuvenecida con los mejores accesorios y electrodomésticos de última generación. Con su arquitectura georgiana neoclásica, la casa le da la bienvenida con majestuosas columnas y un camino de entrada impecable, la fachada exuda grandeza. En el interior, una abundancia de ventanas y techos altos invitan a la calidez del sol de California, bañando cada habitación con luz natural. Detalles atemporales como las intrincadas molduras de corona, los resplandecientes suelos de madera y las deslumbrantes lámparas de araña se combinan a la perfección con elementos contemporáneos y líneas elegantes, personificando la sofisticación. Suba al dormitorio principal, donde le esperan una majestuosa chimenea, una tranquila zona de estar y un opulento cuarto de baño privado, adornado con dos lavabos, una suntuosa bañera y una ducha independiente. Un santuario para la productividad, la oficina en casa cuenta con paneles de madera de dos tonos y un imponente escritorio. Ubicada en un terreno de casi tres acres de vegetación, la «Casa Blanca del Oeste» de la zona de la bahía es un testimonio de vida refinada y entretenimiento ilustre.

Questa opulenta dimora è una vera e propria icona di Lower South Hillsborough, meticolosamente realizzata come omaggio alla Casa Bianca dallo stimato architetto Julia Morgan. Si estende per oltre 24.000 metri quadrati su quattro livelli ed è stata meticolosamente rinnovata con i più raffinati arredi ed elettrodomestici all'avanguardia. Con la sua architettura georgiana neoclassica, la casa accoglie con maestose colonne e un vialetto impeccabile, la cui facciata trasuda grandezza. All'interno, un'abbondanza di finestre e soffitti svettanti invita al calore del sole della California, inondando ogni stanza di luce naturale. Accenti senza tempo come intricate modanature a corona, splendidi pavimenti in legno e lampadari abbaglianti si sposano perfettamente con elementi contemporanei e linee eleganti, incarnando la raffinatezza. Si sale alla camera da letto principale, dove si trovano un camino regale, una tranquilla area salotto e un opulento bagno privato, impreziosito da doppi lavandini, una sontuosa vasca a immersione e una doccia separata. Un rifugio per la produttività, l'ufficio di casa vanta pannelli in legno bicolore e un'imponente scrivania. Adagiata su quasi tre acri di terreno verdeggiante, la “Casa Bianca Occidentale” della Bay Area è una testimonianza di vita raffinata e di intrattenimento illustre.

Cette opulente demeure est une véritable icône dans le Lower South Hillsborough, méticuleusement conçue en hommage à la Maison Blanche par la célèbre architecte Julia Morgan. S'étendant sur plus de 24 000 pieds carrés répartis sur quatre niveaux, elle a été méticuleusement rajeunie avec les meilleurs équipements et appareils électroménagers de pointe. Avec son architecture géorgienne néoclassique, la maison vous accueille avec des colonnes majestueuses et une allée impeccablement aménagée, la façade exsudant la grandeur. À l'intérieur, une abondance de fenêtres et des plafonds élevés invitent la chaleur du soleil californien, baignant chaque pièce dans la lumière naturelle. Des éléments intemporels tels que des moulures complexes, des planchers en bois resplendissants et des lustres éblouissants se marient harmonieusement avec des éléments contemporains et des lignes épurées, incarnant la sophistication. Montez jusqu'à la chambre principale, où vous attendent une cheminée majestueuse, un coin salon paisible et une opulente salle de bains attenante, ornée de deux lavabos, d'une somptueuse baignoire à remous et d'une douche séparée. Sanctuaire de la productivité, le bureau de la maison est orné de boiseries bicolores et d'un imposant bureau. Nichée sur près d'un hectare de terrain verdoyant, la « Maison Blanche de l'Ouest » de la région de la Baie témoigne d'un mode de vie raffiné et de réceptions illustres.

这座华丽的豪宅是南希尔斯伯勒下城名副其实的标志性建筑,由著名建筑师朱莉娅-摩根(Julia Morgan)精心打造,向白宫致敬。该住宅共四层,占地面积超过 24,000 平方英尺,经过精心翻修,配备了最顶级的装置和最先进的设备。该住宅采用新古典主义乔治亚式建筑风格,雄伟的圆柱和铺设得无可挑剔的车道迎面而来,外立面散发着华丽的气息。在室内,大量的窗户和高耸的天花板将加州温暖的阳光引入室内,让每个房间都沐浴在自然光中。精致的皇冠造型、华丽的木地板和耀眼的吊灯等永恒的装饰与现代元素和流畅的线条完美结合,彰显精致典雅。登上主卧室,高贵的壁炉、宁静的起居区和华丽的套间浴室静候您的光临,浴室内设有双水槽、奢华的浸泡浴缸和独立淋浴间。家庭办公室是提高工作效率的圣地,拥有双色木质镶板和气派的办公桌。湾区的 “西方白宫 ”坐落在近三英亩的绿地上,是精致生活和卓越娱乐的见证。

يمثل هذا القصر الفخم أيقونة حقيقية في جنوب هيلزبره السفلى، وقد صممته المهندسة المعمارية الموقرة جوليا مورغان بدقة متناهية كتكريم للبيت الأبيض. يمتد القصر على مساحة تزيد عن 24,000 قدم مربع على أربعة طوابق، وقد تم تجديده بدقة متناهية بأفضل التجهيزات والأجهزة الحديثة. وبفضل هندسته المعمارية الجورجية الكلاسيكية الجديدة، يستقبلك المنزل بأعمدة مهيبة وممر مصمم بإتقان، وتفيض الواجهة بالفخامة. أما في الداخل، فتستقبلك وفرة النوافذ والأسقف المرتفعة التي تبعث دفء شمس كاليفورنيا وتغمر كل غرفة بالضوء الطبيعي. كما تتناغم اللمسات الخالدة مثل القوالب التاجية المعقدة والأرضيات الخشبية المتألقة والثريات المبهرة بسلاسة مع العناصر المعاصرة والخطوط الأنيقة التي تجسد الرقي. اصعد إلى غرفة النوم الرئيسية، حيث تنتظرك مدفأة ملكية، ومنطقة جلوس هادئة، وحمام داخلي فخم مزين بحوض مزدوج، وحوض استحمام فاخر، ودُش منفصل. يُعد المكتب المنزلي ملاذًا للإنتاجية، حيث يتميز المكتب المنزلي بألواح خشبية ثنائية اللون ومكتب مهيب. يقع ”البيت الأبيض الغربي“ في منطقة الخليج على ما يقرب من ثلاثة أفدنة من الأراضي الخضراء الخضراء، وهو شاهد على الحياة الراقية والترفيه اللامع.

Fees & Commissions

Buyer's Premium


Buyer shall pay to Concierge a “Buyer's Premium” in addition to the Purchase Price for the Property. The Buyer's Premium is not a real estate commission; it is the fee that Concierge charges to bidders for bringing the Property to auction.

Co-Broker Compensation


Compensation will be paid to any properly registered Broker whose client is the successful Buyer at the Auction and whose client completes the purchase of the Property pursuant to Concierge Auctions' Bidder Terms and Conditions.

Starting Bid Incentive


If you are the high bidder, Concierge offers a Starting Bid Incentive, a credit to reduce the Buyer's Premium by 50% related to the Starting Bid Amount, encouraging buyers to submit a starting bid prior to the start of the auction. All Starting Bids are binding and subject to being received by the deadline.


401 El Cerrito Avenue, Hillsborough, Silicon Valley, CA 94010


Project Manager, Auction Representative

Kate Stevenson

Business Developers, Auction Representatives

Michael Schwartz

Austin Schneider

Listing Agents

Alex Buljan

Pierre Buljan


Concierge Auctions, LLC, (“Concierge Auctions”) is an auctioneer. Concierge Auctions’ principal address is 228 Park Avenue South, Suite 70835, New York, NY 10003, and its phone number is (212) 202-2940. If required, Concierge Auctions (or its representative) is registered, licensed and/or bonded in the U.S. state where the property to be auctioned is located. Our registration, licenses and bond information for California is: Concierge Auctions, LLC, Bond #66346347; Frank Trunzo, Auctioneer, Bond #E252623. Concierge International Real Estate, Inc. (a subsidiary of Concierge Auctions, LLC), Broker, Real Estate Brokerage License #02137467, 315 Montgomery St 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104, Telephone: (212) 202-2940. Barbara J Young, Broker, License #00689235. This property is listed for sale by Compass California, Broker, License #01527235, 891 Beach Street, San Francisco, CA 94109, 415.660.9955, Pierre Buljan, #00697572 (“Listing Agent”) and Alex Buljan, #01920904 (“Listing Agent”). Concierge Auctions (in certain jurisdictions) and certain Concierge Auctions subsidiaries, employees, and representatives may possess real estate broker or salesperson licenses in various jurisdictions and may, in some circumstances, perform functions that may be deemed brokerage services, however, neither Concierge Auctions nor its agents, employees, and affiliates are acting as a broker in any capacity for any party in connection with this auction. Bidders must seek brokerage services or advice from their own real estate agents or professional advisers. Our brokerage licenses are held solely for compliance purposes to further our auctioneering services. Concierge Auctions, the Listing Agent, the seller of the property and their respective agents, employees, and affiliates do not represent, warrant, or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information and shall have no liability for errors or omissions under any circumstances in this or any other property listings or advertising, promotional or publicity statements, and materials. This is not meant as a solicitation for listings or an offer to sell real property. Cooperating brokers are encouraged to participate as set forth in Concierge Auctions bidder terms and conditions.

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