Concierge Auctions
13320 Signal Tree Lane | Potomac, Maryland | Luxury Real Estate | Concierge Auctions

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Potomac, MD

Bidding Started On:

May 24, 2024 at 5:00 PM EDT

Bidding Closed | Available for Offers


This magnificent estate is evocative of the Tuscan countryside, with roots that harken back to the Civil War in the form of an old chestnut tree. The “Signal Tree,” after which the property is named, afforded Union troops a clear view of Harper’s Ferry and the U.S. Capitol. Albero del Segnale’s owners modeled the estate after an Italian hillside borgo, with architectural distinction and curated European materials, eliciting a museum-like sentiment that flows throughout the estate. Antique cotto tiles and cobblestone, artisan woodwork, and expertly crafted, hand-forged iron bring the vision of a palazzo to life. The estate is made for entertainment on a grand scale, from concert spaces on two floors, to intimate spaces perfect for conversation, to palatial, two-story rooms with abundant details to draw the eye. Outside you’ll discover a functioning workshop, extensive patios, & charming “chapel” ruins. Enjoy the verdant seasonal beauty of the property, with plenty of space to expand. Property and opportunity details provided by seller or others; buyer to verify.

Property Features


26,698 sqft | 6 bedrooms | 10 full bathrooms & 4 half baths | | 9.94 acres


Architectural Features

Gated compound with stucco and stone exteriors showcasing multi-colored roof tiles meant to evoke a borgo (small Italian hillside town that evolves over time); Cobblestone piazza; Handcrafted, reclaimed, and imported European materials such as vintage pavers, centuries-old terra cotta tile, Corinthian limestone columns, as well as a bell tower featuring a 300-lb bronze bell; Medieval-style doors, some with gold-plated hinges, by renowned woodworker Nick Bruford of Artisans du Bois; 4 woodburning fireplaces with volcanic stone mantels, 2 gas fireplaces; Concrete, hardwood, and terra cotta floors.

Primary Sanctuary

Sitting area with fireplace; Dual spa bathrooms; Two walk-in closets

Chef’s Kitchen

Rustic ceiling; Professional grade appliances; Custom cabinetry; Island; Pantry; 8-person breakfast nook

Outdoor Features

Screened-in porch with fireplace; expansive, standalone stone patio; Vast 9.94-acre property steeped in Civil War history; Surrounded by mature sycamore trees

Other Spaces

Two-story library/reading room with custom-built bookshelves; Private guest suite; Formal dining room with painted coffered ceiling; Two-story family room with antique woodstove; Executive office suite with bathroom, assistant’s office, and private balcony; Wet bar; Indoor pool with marble Turkish bath and spa-like sitting area with a fireplace; Second-floor gathering room; Art studio; Large open-plan walkout-level with wet bar/kitchenette


Motor courtyard with 2 garages (2-car and temperature-controlled 3-car garage, perfect for a vehicle collection)


Less than a mile to Blockhouse Point Park and the Potomac River; 20 miles from DC; 35 minutes to Dulles International Airport; 1 hour from Baltimore; 2.5 hours to Philadelphia


Auction: Property details provided by seller or others; buyer to verify. Concierge may also, in its discretion, offer additional incentives to one or more pre-auction bidders, including but not limited to guarantees and purchase terms that differ from the Purchase and Sale Contract


Deposit: $100,000 bidder deposit required ​


In close proximity to the Potomac River, take a walk through time and get a glimpse into the past. Hike or bike the historic C&O Canal from Cumberland to Georgetown. The estate is minutes from three of the canal’s 17 famous locks, designed after Leonardo da Vinci’s 1485 design. Hike the Billy Goat trail in the vicinal National Park, or, less than a mile from your front door, you can hike a 150-year-old trail through old-growth forests at Blockhouse Point Park and treat yourself to Civil War ruins and spectacular views of the Potomac countryside and the river. Golf lovers will appreciate the proximity to two world-class clubs: Bretton Woods with its scenic Edmund Ault-designed 18-hole course and Congressional Country Club, host of five major championships, including three US Opens. Glenstone Modern Art Museum and the proximal surroundings offer both cultural and culinary adventures, as well as abundant shopping. Ride the Metro into the heart of Washington D.C. for work or play; it’s a quick, approximately, 40 minute commute from the Shady Grove Metro Station.

History and Old World Style

The name ‘Albero del Segnale’ (Italian for “Signal Tree”) comes from the Civil War, when a large chestnut tree on the corner of the property was used as a signal relay station for Union troops. From the top of the tree, troops had a direct line of sight both to the U.S. Capitol and to Maryland Heights, which is just across the Potomac River from Harper’s Ferry. An illustration in an 1866 issue of Harper’s Monthly Magazine depicted the signal tree, stripped of foliage, and outfitted with a series of ladders and platforms. Troops situated at the top of the tree were able to relay signals in both directions—hence, the name of the street. In digging a trench to run utility lines to the construction site, workmen inadvertently excavated the area where the blacksmith tent had stood a century-and-a-half earlier and uncovered a large horseshoe and a block of blacksmith coal. As you enter the property, you pass over a driveway apron consisting of centuries-old, repurposed cobblestones that came to this country from Europe as ballast on sailing ships and were then used to pave city streets. The driveway, surfaced with a tar-and-chip pavement, passes between two massive stone pillars capped by large, custom-made lanterns from Italy. The lanterns, the solid iron gates (which open and close via timers) and fencing, along with most of the exterior and interior ironwork, were made by Massimo Ubaldi, owner of Armonie d’Epoca, introducing the Old-World motif of the property. Massimo is a multi-generational Italian ironsmith whose business is located in Terni, a couple hours’ drive north of Rome.


Ce magnifique domaine, qui évoque la campagne toscane, a des racines qui remontent à la guerre civile, sous la forme d'un vieux châtaignier. Le "Signal Tree", qui a donné son nom à la propriété, permettait aux troupes de l'Union d'avoir une vue dégagée sur Harper's Ferry et le Capitole des États-Unis. Les propriétaires d'Albero del Segnale ont modelé le domaine sur un borgo italien à flanc de colline, avec une distinction architecturale et des matériaux européens de qualité, ce qui donne l'impression d'un musée dans tout le domaine. Des carreaux de cotto et des pavés anciens, des boiseries artisanales et du fer forgé à la main par des experts donnent vie à la vision d'un palazzo. Le domaine est conçu pour accueillir des spectacles à grande échelle, qu'il s'agisse d'espaces de concert sur deux étages, d'espaces intimes parfaits pour les conversations ou de salles palatiales sur deux étages avec de nombreux détails pour attirer l'œil. À l'extérieur, vous découvrirez un atelier en état de marche, de vastes patios et de charmantes ruines de chapelle. Profitez de la beauté saisonnière verdoyante de la propriété, qui dispose de beaucoup d'espace pour s'agrandir.

Esta magnífica finca evoca la campiña toscana, con raíces que se remontan a la Guerra Civil en forma de un viejo castaño. El "Árbol de las Señales", que da nombre a la propiedad, permitía a las tropas de la Unión ver claramente Harper's Ferry y el Capitolio de los Estados Unidos. Los propietarios de Albero del Segnale modelaron la finca a imagen y semejanza de un borgo italiano en la ladera de una colina, con distinción arquitectónica y materiales europeos seleccionados, lo que suscitó un sentimiento museístico que fluye por toda la finca. Azulejos y adoquines antiguos, carpintería artesanal y hierro forjado a mano por expertos dan vida a la visión de un palacio. La finca está hecha para el entretenimiento a gran escala, desde espacios para conciertos en dos plantas, pasando por espacios íntimos perfectos para la conversación, hasta salas palaciegas de dos plantas con abundantes detalles para atraer la mirada. En el exterior descubrirá un taller en funcionamiento, amplios patios y las ruinas de una encantadora "capilla". Disfrute de la verde belleza estacional de la propiedad, con mucho espacio para expandirse.

Dieses prächtige Anwesen erinnert an die toskanische Landschaft und hat Wurzeln, die in Form eines alten Kastanienbaums bis in den Bürgerkrieg zurückreichen. Der "Signalbaum", nach dem das Anwesen benannt ist, ermöglichte den Unionstruppen eine klare Sicht auf Harper's Ferry und das US-Kapitol. Die Eigentümer von Albero del Segnale haben das Anwesen nach dem Vorbild eines italienischen Borgo in Hanglage gestaltet, mit architektonischen Besonderheiten und ausgesuchten europäischen Materialien, die eine museale Atmosphäre schaffen, die sich durch das gesamte Anwesen zieht. Antike Cotto-Fliesen und Kopfsteinpflaster, handwerkliche Holzarbeiten und fachmännisch gefertigtes, handgeschmiedetes Eisen erwecken die Vision eines Palazzos zum Leben. Das Anwesen ist wie geschaffen für Unterhaltung im großen Stil, von Konzerträumen auf zwei Etagen über intime Räume, die sich perfekt für Gespräche eignen, bis hin zu palastartigen, zweistöckigen Räumen mit vielen Details, die das Auge anziehen. Im Außenbereich finden Sie eine funktionierende Werkstatt, weitläufige Terrassen und charmante "Kapellen"-Ruinen. Genießen Sie die grüne, saisonale Schönheit des Anwesens, das noch viel Platz für Erweiterungen bietet.

Questa magnifica tenuta evoca la campagna toscana, con radici che risalgono alla Guerra Civile sotto forma di un vecchio castagno. L'"Albero del Segnale", da cui prende il nome la proprietà, permetteva alle truppe dell'Unione di avere una chiara visione di Harper's Ferry e del Campidoglio degli Stati Uniti. I proprietari dell'Albero del Segnale hanno modellato la tenuta sul modello di un borgo collinare italiano, con distinzione architettonica e materiali europei curati, suscitando un sentimento museale che si diffonde in tutta la tenuta. Le antiche piastrelle in cotto e i ciottoli, i legni artigianali e il ferro forgiato a mano danno vita alla visione di un palazzo. La tenuta è fatta per l'intrattenimento su larga scala, da spazi per concerti su due piani, a spazi intimi perfetti per la conversazione, fino a sale sontuose a due piani con abbondanti dettagli per attirare l'attenzione. All'esterno scoprirete un'officina funzionante, ampi patii e affascinanti rovine di una "cappella". Godetevi la verdeggiante bellezza stagionale della proprietà, con tanto spazio per espandersi.

这座宏伟的庄园让人联想到托斯卡纳的乡村风情,而其根源则是一棵古老的栗树,可以追溯到南北战争时期。这棵以其命名的 "信号树 "让联邦军队可以清楚地看到哈珀渡口和美国国会大厦。Albero del Segnale 庄园的主人以意大利山坡庄园为蓝本,采用独特的建筑风格和精心挑选的欧洲材料,使整个庄园洋溢着博物馆般的情调。古色古香的瓦片和鹅卵石、手工制作的木制品以及精工细作的手工锻造铁器,将宫殿的愿景变为现实。从两层楼高的音乐会空间,到适合交谈的私密空间,再到两层楼高、细节丰富的宫殿式房间,这座庄园的娱乐设施规模宏大。在室外,您会发现一个功能齐全的工作室、宽阔的庭院和迷人的 "小教堂 "遗址。您可以尽情享受庄园四季如春的葱茏美景,并有足够的空间进行扩建。

Fees & Commissions

Buyer's Premium


Buyer shall pay to Concierge a “Buyer's Premium” in addition to the Purchase Price for the Property. The Buyer's Premium is not a real estate commission; it is the fee that Concierge charges to bidders for bringing the Property to auction.

Co-Broker Compensation


Compensation will be paid to any properly registered Broker whose client is the successful Buyer at the Auction and whose client completes the purchase of the Property pursuant to Concierge Auctions' Bidder Terms and Conditions.

Starting Bid Incentive


If you are the high bidder, Concierge offers a Starting Bid Incentive, a credit to reduce the Buyer's Premium by 50% related to the Starting Bid Amount, encouraging buyers to submit a starting bid prior to the start of the auction. All Starting Bids are binding and subject to being received by the deadline.


13320 Signal Tree Lane, Potomac, MD 20854


Project Manager, Auction Representative

Kate Stevenson

Business Developer, Auction Representative

Katie Lawless Ballard

Listing Agent

Peg Mancuso


Concierge Auctions, LLC, (“Concierge Auctions”) is an auctioneer. Concierge Auctions’ principal address is 228 Park Avenue South, Suite 70835, New York, NY 10003, and its phone number is (212) 202-2940. If required, Concierge Auctions (or its representative) is registered, licensed and/or bonded in the U.S. state where the property to be auctioned is located. This property is listed for sale by TTR Sotheby’s International Realty, Broker, License #3098, 13111 Glen Mill Rd Rockville, MD 20850, 301-996-5953, Peg Mancuso, License #76931, (“Listing Agent”). Concierge Auctions (in certain jurisdictions) and certain Concierge Auctions subsidiaries, employees, and representatives may possess real estate broker or salesperson licenses in various jurisdictions and may, in some circumstances, perform functions that may be deemed brokerage services, however, neither Concierge Auctions nor its agents, employees, and affiliates are acting as a broker in any capacity for any party in connection with this auction. Bidders must seek brokerage services or advice from their own real estate agents or professional advisers. Our brokerage licenses are held solely for compliance purposes to further our auctioneering services. Concierge Auctions, the Listing Agent, the seller of the property and their respective agents, employees, and affiliates do not represent, warrant, or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information and shall have no liability for errors or omissions under any circumstances in this or any other property listings or advertising, promotional or publicity statements, and materials. This is not meant as a solicitation for listings or an offer to sell real property. Cooperating brokers are encouraged to participate as set forth in Concierge Auctions bidder terms and conditions. ©2024 Concierge Auctions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby’s® and Sotheby’s International Realty® are registered trademarks and used with permission. Each Sotheby’s International Realty office is independently owned and operated, except those operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. All offerings are subject to errors, omissions, changes including price or withdrawal without notice. Equal Housing Opportunity. Real estate agents affiliated with a Sotheby’s International Realty brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Sotheby’s, Sotheby’s International Realty nor Concierge Auctions, LLC. Certain services are provided by third parties. Auction services are being provided by Concierge Auctions, LLC. Terms and conditions apply. Execution of program agreements required. Results not guaranteed.

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